

SIPERNAT® 820A是一种白度极高、粗颗粒较少的硅酸铝钠,被强烈推荐用于部分替代乳胶漆白色颜料,以及用作丝光涂料体系的消光剂和印刷油墨填料。

SIPERNAT® 820A也可用作机械绘图纸的特殊用途填料、造纸中的二氧化钛增量剂以及铜版纸的白色颜料。该产品有利于减少可能的油墨渗出,改善纸张的印刷适性、平滑度和摩擦系数,并提高行距控制。

SIPERNAT® 820A is a sodium aluminum silicate with a high level of whiteness and reduced coarse particles.

SIPERNAT® 820A is highly recommended for partial substitution of white pigments in emulsion paints, as a matting agent for silk glossy paint systems and as a filler in printing inks. SIPERNAT® 820A is also used as a special-purpose filler for mechanical graphics papers, as an extender for titanium dioxide in papermaking, and as a white pigment for coated papers. It has beneficial effects on reducing possible ink bleeding, the printability, smoothness and friction coefficient of the paper, as well as enhancing pitch control.


By |April 28th, 2017|Comments Off on SIPERNAT® 820A