

赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT D17 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® D17

SIPERNAT® D 17也是一种用于消泡剂的疏水性(即不可水湿性)二氧化硅。主要用作防结块剂。
– 灭火粉(防结块)
– 冷硬铸件遮蔽粉末
– 制造消泡剂/防泡剂(快速消除泡沫)
– 化学品(流动性,防结块)
– HTV / RTV-2C / LSR硅橡胶(增强填料)

SIPERNAT® D 17 is a hydrophobic (i. e. not wettable by water) silica also used in defoamer.

Its primary application is as anticaking agent like fire extinguishing powders (anticaking), masking powders for chill casting, manufacture of defoamers / antifoams (fast foam destruction), chemicals (flowability, anticaking), HTV / RTV-2C / LSR silicone rubber (reinforcing filler).


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT D10 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® D10

SIPERNAT® D10是一种经过研磨的疏水性(即水不可湿性)二氧化硅,具有高甲醇可湿性和低表面积。由于具有高效率和易分散性,该产品用于种类繁多的消泡剂中。BfR 推荐XV、XXI、XXXVI、XXXIX和LII;Ref.-No. 86285下的2002 / 72 / EC;21 CFR § 176.210;21 CFR § 176.105。

SIPERNAT® D 10 is a milled, hydrophobic (i. e. not wettable by water) silica, high methanol wettability and low surface area.

SIPERNAT® D 10 is used in a great variety of defoamer due to its high effectiveness and ease of dispersion. BfR Recommendations XV, XXI, L11; VO (EU) 10/2011,Ref.-No. 86285; 21 CFR selections 175.105, 175.300 (c)-(e), 176.170, 176.180 (b)(1), 176.200 (b), 176.210 (d)(3).


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 320DS 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 320DS

SIPERNAT® 320DS是一种超细研磨的二氧化硅,具有良好的增稠性和优异的流动改进性,可以为众多应用提供显著优势,包括:
– 各种超细粉末(改进流动性)
– 消泡剂/防泡剂(在原位疏水化后迅速消除泡沫)
– 胶粘剂(辅助成分)
– 印刷/胶印油墨(防止飞墨和背面蹭脏,也可用作增量剂)
– RTV-2C / LSR硅橡胶应用(调节粘度)

SIPERNAT® 320 DS is a very finely ground silica with good thickening and excellent flow improving properties.

SIPERNAT® 320 DS benefits to many different applications, including all types of fine powders (flow improvement), defoamers / antifoams (rapid foam destruction after in-situ hydrophobization), adhesives (auxiliary ingredient), printing / offset inks (prevents misting and setoff, also used as an extender), RTV-2C / LSR silicone rubber-applications (viscosity adjustment).


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 350 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 350

SIPERNAT® 350具有超细研磨尺寸、适中的吸收性和碱性pH值等一系列有趣的物化性能。该产品的一个特殊的应用是高品质热敏感纸的涂层。在农作物保护领域,这种优良的产品被推荐作为可湿性粉剂(WP)和水分散颗粒(WG)等配方的酸性敏感活性组分的载体。此外,小粒径使其适于生产非常薄的聚合物膜。

SIPERNAT® 350 is a very finely ground size, a proper absorbency and an alkaline pH-value constitute an interesting combination of physicochemical properties.


SIPERNAT® represents a specific product range of precipitated silica, aluminium and calcium silicates.

One special application is the coating of high-quality heat-sensitive papers. In plant protection, this fine product is recommended as a carrier for acid-sensitive active ingredients in formulations like WP and WG. Furthermore, the small particle size makes it very useful for very thin polymeric films.


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 310 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 310


SIPERNAT® 310 is a very finely ground silica with a very high surface area (BET).

SIPERNAT® 310is used, for instance, as an antiblocking agent in polyolefins and PVC. Increase in color density and enhanced dot definition are benefits of this product applied as coating pigment for inkjet papers. It also can be used as binder or carrier in heterogeneous catalysts.


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 303 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 303


SIPERNAT® 303 is a finely ground silica with a high surface area.

Due to its high filtration stability, it can be used as a clarifier and adsorbent in liquid, water-based systems, e.g. filtration and stabilization of beer.


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 50S 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 50S

SIPERNAT® 50S是一种高吸收能力的二氧化硅,可以增强易结块的粉状物质(尤其是高脂肪含量产品)的流动性,延长保质期。需要同时满足高浓度和颗粒细度要求时(例如可湿性粉剂(WP)和水分散颗粒(WG)等农作物保护配方);该产品还可用作高吸收性载体。

SIPERNAT® 50 S is a silica with particularly high absorption capacity.

SIPERNAT® 50 S enhances flowability and prolongs the shelf life of powdered substances which are liable to caking, especially those with a high fat content. It also acts as a high absorbency carrier in case particle fineness is needed in addition to high concentration, e.g. in plant protection formulations as WP and WG.


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 50 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 50

SIPERNAT® 50是一种高吸收性的载体二氧化硅,可以将液体活性物质或溶液转化为粉末。使用SIPERNAT® 50可以达到75%的浓度。该产品也可用作脂肪产品的助磨剂。

SIPERNAT® 50 is a carrier silica with particularly high absorbency, it has the capacity to convert liquid active substances, or solutions into powders. Concentrates of up to 75 percent can be produced using SIPERNAT® 50. It is also used as a grinding aid for fatty products.

Typical applications include rubber and plastics additives, plant protection formulations and feed additives.


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 33 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 33

SIPERNAT® 33是一种具有低粉末度和高吸油值(DBP)的球形颗粒状二氧化硅。该产品具有较强的液体吸收能力、较高的体积密度和极佳的流动性。

SIPERNAT® 33 is a silica with spherical particles, low fines content and very high oil absorbtion (DBP). SIPERNAT® 33 combines very high absorption capacity for liquids with high bulk density and very good flow properties.

Typical applications include Carrier for rubber additives, for example, melamine resins Carrier for plastics additives Carrier for resins, for example, powder coatings Carrier for powder defoamers.


赢创德固赛 SIPERNAT 22S 01 v1.01 - SIPERNAT® 22S

SIPERNAT® 22S是一种高吸收能力的二氧化硅,在许多应用场合中用作助流剂和防结块剂,在机械绘图纸中用作特殊用途的组分。在农作物保护领域,当生产中需要避免研磨时,该产品被推荐作为可湿性粉剂(WP)和水分散颗粒(WG)等固态配方中的载体。

SIPERNAT® 22S is a silica with a high absorption capacity.

SIPERNAT® 22S is used as a flow and anticaking agent in many applications as well as a special-purpose ingredient for mechanical graphics papers. In plant protection, this product is recommended as a carrier in solid formulations such as wettable powders (WP) and water-dispersible granules (WG) if grinding is to be avoided.